Fakultas Pertanian didirikan pada tanggal 10 November 1960. Sejak 5 Januari 1963, Fakultas Pertanian bersama UB diberi status negeri. Sejak berdiri, FP UB tahun 1960 memiliki dua jurusan yaitu Departemen Teknik Pertanian dan Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian. Pada saat ini, Departemen di FP UB bertambah menjadi lima yaitu Departemen Budidaya Pertanian, Departemen Tanah, Departemen Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan,
Departemen Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, dan Departemen Ilmu Pertanian (Pascasarjana). Program Pascasarjana Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya terbentuk atas kerjasama antara UB dengan Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) untuk menyelenggarakan LED PS Magister Entomologi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya 2022 Program Kegiatan Pengumpulan Kredit (KPK) UGM – UB pada tahun 1981. Tujuannya
untuk membantu UB merencanakan dan melaksanakan pendidikan pascasarjana secara mandiri. Program KPK UGM – UB diawali dengan pembukaan Program Studi (PS) Magister Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian berdasarkan SK Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 325/DII/1982. Pada tahun 1982 Program KPK UGM – UB membuka PS Magister Ilmu Tanaman berdasarkan SK Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No.348/D/1982.
Pendaftaran mahasiswa pascasarjana mulai dilakukan di Universitas Brawijaya pada awal tahun 1982. Berdasarkan SK Dirjen Dikti No.104.105.106/Dikti/Kep/93 tanggal 27 Pebruari 1993, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Brawijaya berhak untuk mengelola kegiatan di Program Pascasarjana secara mandiri untuk program studi: (1) Ilmu Ekonomi Pertanian, (2) Ilmu Tanaman dan (3) Pengelolaan Tanah dan Air. Pada tahun tersebut Sub Minat Entomologi Pertanian terbentuk melalui Program Studi Magister Ilmu Tanaman (Agronomi).
Pada tahun tahun 2006, Rektor UB menerbitkan SK Rektor No. 030/SK/2006 tentang Pengelolaan Program Pascasarjana yang mana Penyelenggaraan Program Pasca Sarjana diserahkan kepada masing-masing Fakultas.
PS Magister Entomologi Pertanian terbentuk pada tanggal 04 Juli 2017 berdasarkan SK Menristekdikti No. 383/KPT/I/2017 2017 dan mulai menerima mahasiswa pada September di bawah Departemen Hama dan penyakit Tumbuhan. Pada tahun 2019, PS Magister Entomologi Pertanian pada tanggal 14 Mei 2019 memperoleh Akreditasi B dari BAN-PT berdasar Keputusan BAN-PT No. 1508/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/V/2019, SK tersebut berlaku sampai dengan 14 Mei 2024.
Visi, misi dan tujuan FP-UB dan PS Magister Entomologi pertanian menyelaraskan dengan visi, misi dan tujuan Universitas Brawijaya. Visi yang diemban oleh Fakultas Pertanian adalah Pada tahun 2025 menjadi institusi pendidikan tinggi pertanian yang unggul, berstandar internasional, dan mampu berperan aktif dalam pengembangan IPTEK dan pengelolaan sumber daya alam yang berlanjut serta pengembangan manajemen agribisnis. Untuk mencapai visi dan misi tersebut, FP UB telah menyusun strategi pengembangan. Strategi pengembangan FP-UB tercantum dalam Renstra FP-UB 2016- 2020. Strategi pengembangan yang dilaksanakan oleh FP-UB antara lain:
1) Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan (terdiri dari 11 program),
2) Peningkatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (terdiri dari 13 program),
3) Pengembangan kemahasiswaan (terdiri dari 10 program), dan
4) Peningkatan kualitas kelembagaan (terdiri dari 5 program). Civitas Akademika di Fakultas Pertanian, termasuk Program Magister, dalam melaksanakan Tri Dharma wajib menjunjung tinggi dan mengamalkan nilai-nilai TAHES sebagai sistem tata nilai FP-UB yaitu: T=BerTaqwa kepada Tuhan YME, A=BerAkhlak mulia, H=Hemat dan efisien, E=berjiwa Entrepreneur, S=kebersamaan.
The vision of the MAE is to become internationally standardized study program by 2035 and to play an active role in national development through continuous knowledge improvement of agricultural entomology and sustainable management of the natural resource.
The missions of the MAE study program are:
- to develop the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of higher education institutions in the field of agricultural entomology,
- to develop the research activities in order to encourage science and technology based on community needs both regionally, nationally, and internationally, and
to develop the community service activities as an application of science and technology-based on community needs both regionally, nationally, and internationally.
Those MAE vision and missions were being translated into PLO and ILO. The MAE graduate is expected to be a business manager in the field of agricultural or other fields that support agriculture, planners in agriculture, farmers in agricultural business or other fields that support agriculture, researchers in the field of agriculture, as well as lecturers. The graduate profiles were translated into Program Learning Objective (PLO) in Table 1.
Table 1. Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) of MAE
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) | |
PLO1 | Being competent to develop concept and/or science in the field of agricultural entomology and to conduct academic activity with international standard |
PLO2 | Being competent to develop research in the field of agricultural entomology nationally, regionally, and internationally |
PLO3 | Being competent to play an active role in community empowerment nationally, regionally, and internationally through the application of science and technology in the field of agricultural entomology |
Intended Learning Outcomes of the MAE include attitude and values, knowledge, general and specific skills (Table 2) The determination of Learning Outcomes is formulated through several stages, starting from determining the profile of graduates according to the vision, mission, and objectives of MAE, adjusting Learning Outcomes aspects of General Attitudes and Skills with the IQF level 8.
Table 2. Intended Learning Outcomes of the MAE
Aspects of ILO | Code | |
Attitudes | Being able to work together and have high social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment. | ILO1 |
Mastering concepts, theories, and methods in the field of agricultural entomology | ILO2 | |
Knowledge | Mastering the concepts of integrated pest management to achieve sustainable agriculture | ILO3 |
Mastering the theory of biotechnology for plant pest control and plant resistance management | ILO4 | |
Having skills to manage research in the inter/multidisciplinary field of agricultural entomology | ILO5 | |
General Skills | Having skills in contributing to problem-solving in society through research design in the field of agricultural entomology | ILO6 |
Having skills in developing proven innovations and applications for problem solving in the community in the field of agricultural entomology in an inter/multidisciplinary manner within the framework of sustainable agriculture | ILO7 | |
Specific Skill |
The PLO of MAE are referring to IQF for the master level. Based on the mapping results, each of the MAE objectives correlates with the IQF as shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Correlation matrix between IQF and PLO of MAE
PLO1 | PLO2 | PLO3 |
IQF1 | S | S | M |
IQF2 | S | S | S |
IQF3 | S | S | S |
Notes: S: strong, M: moderate
The MAE graduate profiles correlate with the objectives of PLO MAE as presented in Table 4.
Table 4 Correlation matrix between PLO and ILO of MAE
PLO 1 | PLO 2 | PLO 3 |
ILO 1 | √ | √ | √ |
ILO 2 | √ | √ | |
ILO 3 | √ | √ | |
ILO 4 | √ | √ | |
ILO 5 | √ | √ | √ |
ILO 6 | √ | √ | |
ILO 7 | √ | √ |
MAE is oriented to graduate Master of Science with roles as manager, bureaucrat, agripreneur, researcher, and academics (Figure 8). MAE graduates are equipped with main, supporting, and other competencies. The main competencies include deepening or expanding the knowledge of agricultural entomology. Supporting competencies include compiling ideas, thoughts, and scientific arguments orally and in writing. Meanwhile, other competencies are developing and applying the scientific benefits of agricultural entomology in the broader scope.
Click for download document of Minutes of Meeting Master of Agricultural Entomology Study Program: Minute of Meetings MAE