Guest Editor Details
Hery Toiba
Hery Toiba, PhD is an Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural Social
Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University, besides teaching and guiding
undergraduate students, Hery also teaches and mentors master and doctoral students in the
same faculty and other faculties at Brawijaya University. Currently, he also serves as
chairman of the Department of Agricultural Socio-Economic, the Faculty of Agriculture,
Brawijaya University. Previously, he served as Director of Cooperation and Marketing for
the Academic Business Unit (BUA), at Brawijaya University (2016-2019), and Chairman
of the Agency for Research and Community Service (BPPM), Faculty of Agriculture,
Brawijaya University (2019). He has conducted much collaborative research with
international institutions such as ACIAR (Australia) 2010, and USDA (USA) 2014. His
research covers various topics such as nutritional economics, food transformation, impact
evaluation, changes in consumption patterns, technology adoption, resilience, and food
and nutrition security. His research results have been published in various leading journals
such as the American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE), Bulletin of Indonesian
Economic Studies (BIES), Sustainability, International Journal of Social Economics, and
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology. He completed his
PhD in Global Food Studies, at the University of Adelaide, Australia, in 2015. He has
participated in many international conferences in various countries such as Australia
(AARES). He was also invited to review papers in various journals.