Program Studi

Magister Pengelolaan Tanah dan Air

Pada tahun 2025 menjadi program studi pelopor dan pembaharu berstandar internasional dalam pengelolaan sumber daya lahan dan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan berbasis IPTEK

  • Menyelenggarakan pendidikan untuk menghasilkan SDM yang professional dalam pengelolaan sumber daya lahan dan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan.
  • Melaksanakan penelitian untuk pengembangan IPTEK di bidang pengelolaan sumber daya lahan dan lingkungan yang inovatif dan kreatif.
  • Menerapkan dan menyebarluaskan inovasi IPTEK dalam upaya pemecahan masalah pengelolaan sumber daya lahan dan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan dalam skala nasional dan global.
  • Menguasai pengetahuan multifungsi lanskap pertanian, hidrologi dan agrometeorologi, kualitas tanah dan air, konservasi biodiversitas dan layanan ekosistem, konservasi tanah dan air, pertanian organik, agroforestry dan reklamasi lahan, smart agriculture, smart 8 irrigation, pengembangan wilayah rendah emisi, serta mampu mengikuti perkembangan isu dan teknologi terkini.
  • Menguasai metode ilmiah untuk mengidentifikasi, menganalisis, dan mendiagnosis permasalahan pengelolaan sumber daya lahan dan lingkungan.
  • Mampu merancang solusi dan rekomendasi pemecahan masalah di bidang pengelolaan sumber daya lahan dan lingkungan secara terintegrasi.
  • Mampu mengkomunikasikan ide-ide secara lisan dan tertulis, secara ilmiah atau populer kepada pemangku kepentingan yang relevan.
  • Memiliki karakter belajar sepanjang hayat, jujur, berbudaya dan etika profesi, bertanggung jawab, berpikir kritis, kreatif, berintegritas, mampu bekerjasama dalam tim serta menunjukkan kepeloporan dan kepemimpinan.

Impelementasi pembangunan pertanian berkelanjutan yang adaptif di tengah tekanan problematik sebagaimana telah diuraikan, idealnya dilaksanakan dengan berorientasi pada kesejahteraan ekonomi dan sosial petani, pekerja serta masyarakat sekitar, konservasi sumberdaya pertanian:

“Mengembangkan dan mendiseminasikan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang inovatif yang berhubungan dengan Pembangunan pertanian berkelanjutan.”







Akreditasi Program Studi

Hasil akreditasi Badan Akreditasi Nasional (BAN-PT) No 9492/SK/BAN-PT/Ak/M/XI/2022, Program Studi Magister (S2) Pengelolaan Tanah dan Air terakreditasi Unggul

News & Announcement

1 Competence in multifunctional of agricultural landscapes, hydrology and agro-meteorology, soil and water quality, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services, soil and water conservation, organic agriculture, agroforestry and land reclamation, smart agriculture, smart irrigation, low emission development, and able to follow developments in issues and current technology PLO 1
2 Mastering in scientific methods to identify, analyze, and diagnose land and environmental resource management problems PLO 2
3 Able to design solutions and problem solving recommendations in the field of integrated land and environmental resource management PLO 3
4 Able to communicate ideas orally and in writing, scientifically or popularly to relevant stakeholders PLO 4
5 Have the character of lifelong learning, honest, cultured and professional ethics, responsible, critical thinking, creative, integrity, able to work together in a team and show pioneering and leadership PLO 5

Intended Learning Outcome of Master of Soil and Water Management

Code Competence ILO ILO Code
1 ATTITUDE Honest, have professional culture and ethics, be responsible, contribute positively, think critically, creatively, have integrity, and demonstrate pioneering and leadership ILO 1
2 GENERAL SKILLS Have the ability to lead, organize and carry out scientific studies and research in a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary manner to answer problems in integrated land and environmental management ILO 2
Ability to compile scientific papers from research results in the form of theses and scientific articles, and publish them in reputable international or international scientific journals, or other mass media or directly to the public or government ILO 3
3 KNOWLEDGE Ability to develop collegial-peership relationships through a network/forum of cooperation with agricultural expert communities and have sensitivity and concern for the community and the surrounding environment ILO 4
  Have the ability to scientifically analyze with an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary approach, to produce appropriate concepts to answer actual problems and support policies for sustainable agricultural development ILO 5


Have the ability to manage problems and issues of natural resources based on the results of scientific analysis with the support of information technology, as well as skills in social approach ILO 6
  The ability to develop collegial-peership relations through a network/forum of cooperation with the agricultural expert community and have sensitivity and concern for the community and the surrounding environment ILO 7
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